Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama, Palin and other post election tidbits

The gaffes have already begun. The President Elect has been involved in two so far. The first, the backhanded slap at Nancy Reagan in his press conference. Aside from the shot being offensive to people whom have always respected and admired Mrs. Reagan, it was also relatively poor in terms of timing. Obama had just lost his own Grandmother and then he took the shot at the 87 year old widow of the conservative icon, I am willing to chalk it up to a rookie mistake.

The second, Obama and President Bush met yesterday in one on one meetings that no advisors were present in. Interestingly details of the meeting were later leaked to the media. I wonder how that happened and what the purpose of it was. There is no way the information came from the Bush people on this one. There has not been a lid on the White House for the last four years, there is no way you would hear a peep from them now. The only answer is that it came from Obama and his people. The cautionary tale here should be that the President Elect is not the President yet, do not undermine the office that you will eventually hold and then expect that others will show you the respect that you did not show to your predecessor. Rookie mistake #2 and this was a big one.

Finally, scuttlebut abounds about Sarah Palin. Mrs. Palin suddenly has all sorts of interviews scheduled and has said that if it is God's plan she will run for President in 2012. Let me be the first to say, this can't happen! The only way Palin should run in 2012 is if God's plan is for Obama to be re-elected. It is also being thrown around that Palin may run for the Senate if Ted Stevens seat is vacated. The prospect of this is amusing to me for various reasons, but let me just say, stay Governor and do your homework. Next time Palin steps into the national spotlight she needs to be ready to answer tough questions. Not look like the beauty queen caught in the pageant spotlight.

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