Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Priority, Health Care?

There have been some rumblings that the first priority of the new administration on the domestic front will be Health Care. To this possibility I must say, I am baffled. With the current state of the economy could the neophyte about to take the White House actually believe that there is some chance to do anything with the one issue that there will be absolutely no chance of getting anything done on? I speculate that the answer to this is no and that there is some tomfoolery afoot about what the agenda will be. However, if it is true I am pretty sure that the new administration has already lost it's mind.

Let's remember back to when the country tried this last time. It was another Democratic President early on is his tenure that decided to push for a Health Care solution as well. Anyone remember how that went for him? Obama would be well served to table the Health Care issue for the first year or so an focus heavily on the economy and his other plans for the overall restoration of American faith.

Obama will make some early mistakes for sure, however I do not believe that Health Care will be one of them. Look for this issue to hit the moth balls as soon as Obama assumes the office.

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