Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Bush Legacy? Let the Speculation Begin

So the end is near. Eight years of George Bush policy and leadership is now coming to a close and it is time to begin the honest asessments of what has transpired and what the legacy will ultimately be.

In previous entries I have argued that this administration was the most paranoid and aloof since the Nixon Administration and I will stand by that statement. The lid has been on this White House since at least 2005 and it could be argued that the lid was on before that. This administration has shown a remarkable inability to get out in front of it's failures. Couple that with the inability to trumpet the successes that they have had and it has been a recipe for disaster. Some of this has most certainly been to protect the American people from frightening details about the war on terror, but there has been a decided lack of trust in the American people to decide for themselves what the information means. The White House has shown an amazing inability to let the people to make their own judgements about policy successes and failures and that indicates a flaw in leadership. Successful administrations admit failures and headline their victories, this administration has done neither very well. Therefore the legacy they have built, at least for the time being, is a very negative one.

Bush can, and should be, credited for his continued principled stand on this war. The President has never deviated from the course that he set out on after 9/11, that is something that should be admired. In the face of failure and criticism Bush has avoided being a windsock in this day and age that is a rare trait amongst politicians. If the war on terror continues for a generation, and I believe that it will, this President will eventually be viewed in a favorable light much like Nixon was later in his life.

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