Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Hypocrisy of the President and the Fourth Estate

I am reviving this blog after a long hiatus, I suspect I will only publish once or twice a week, who knows?

I am inspired to get back into some political ramblings due to some recent hypocrisy that I just can't hold my nose over anymore.  Last week while our Embassies and Consulates were burning in the Middle East some not so subtle evidence of media bias toward the President became abundantly clear.  Shocking I know, it's not like the media is not already in the tank for the guy right? Well, yes, but this type of hypocrisy from last week is far more insidious and damaging to the core of American political ideals.

If you recall Mitt Romney made some statements in the middle of the mess on Wednesday and he took the administration to task for apologizing for some video, through the embassy in Cairo, that enraged Muslims all over the Middle East.  I won't even touch how absurd it is for our government to be apologizing for something it had no control over and shouldn't really care about anyway, but I will go into the response from media types and the administration.  Mitt Romney was cooked for having the audacity to say something about the crisis while the President was still dealing with the crisis.  Mitt was called out for being malicious, a malcontent, for not showing leadership qualities and the list goes on and on and on.  Hey!  Last time I checked Mitt Romney was running for President, isn't it normal that people would look to him for some response while the excrement was hitting the oscillator?  I think it is, but not according to the upstanding member of the Fourth Estate, they harpooned him like a seal for days over his incredibly brazen attempt to upstage the President during a time of crisis.  One even went so far as to suggest that since the Ambassador's body was still missing Mitt could be responsible for something bad happening to him!  This blatant and aggressive assassination is one of the reasons that good people won't seek political office these days.  In my mind Mitt Romney did nothing wrong.  I look to a leader to say something when the world is burning.  I want a man that stands up and calls out what he sees without thinking about political ramifications and considerations of votes in the Electoral College.  Mitt's stock went up in my book that day, and I have been no grand fan of his.

Here is the hypocrisy of it all.  The President did not know where his Ambassador was for eight hours.  EIGHT HOURS!  Did he activate the fast response team from Rota, Spain? Nope.  Did he reach out to any other military assets in the region that he had at his disposal?  Nope.  He did what he always does, he apologized and then talked to people.  These are not the actions of a leader.  These are the actions of a hypocritical coward.  When Obama perceived that he got upstaged, and I don't think he was upstaged I just think he got politically outclassed, he had his minions go on the attack.  While he diddled and dawdled around his Fourth Estate went out and eviscerated his opponent for being the only speaking the truth.  Did the media mention any of the reasons Obama was slow to respond?  Sure didn't.  What they did do is attack, attack and attack repeatedly the one person that had any courage at all.  Romney stood up and said that we shouldn't be apologizing to these people and the President had him neutered for it.  In the most fitting of references due to the Chicago connection, Obama turned into Al Capone.  His election staff, sitting in their swanky Chicago digs didn't want to get their hands dirty so they dispatched their own Frank Nitti, the media.  Capone used to sit in his swanky digs and do the same thing.  The only difference was that old Al wouldn't hide from a fight, we can't say the same about his Chicago contemporary that occupies the White House.  The worst part is that the media does the bidding without blinking.  No one ever says wait a minute the President should be doing something, or hold on let's take a look at what is going on over at Pennsylvania Avenue, nope they just keep right on trucking. 

While Rome burns the media takes out the opponent of the Emperor and the Emperor flies to Vegas to meet with deep pocketed donors.  Are we sure Mitt Romney is the one that lacks leadership qualities?  Since the President was gallivanting around Vegas I'm sure he will appreciate me saying that when I consider which person was more Presidential last week, my money was on Mitt Romney.